An Incorporated Trustee popularly known as IT or an Association is a group of persons with common goals and interests who have come together to register their entity with the Corporate Affairs Commission. They are non-profit making organizations who solely caters for the welfare and organization of its members.
Trustees are the people in the body who governs the affairs of the entity. They are called Trustees in Incorporated Trustee while in Limited liability Company they are known as Directors and Shareholders. The Trustees includes the Chairman, the secretary and members.
The trustees of an Association can be changed in the circumstances of death, resignation, removal etc. churches or Mosques are registered under Incorporated Trustee and we know that no one can be forced to remain with one denomination. If such person that leaves a denomination to another is one of the Trustees of that Church, then there is need for change of such Trustee to replace him or her.
Read:How to Register an Incorporated Trustee with CAC in Nigeria
How do I change the Trustee? one may ask
Below are the steps you need to take to effect change of Trustee
- Pay your Annual Returns to date.
- Log into CAC portal
- Select change of trustees as the option
- Update the details of the entity to include the new trustee
- Make newspaper publication to announce to the public of the change
- Print out Trustee Declaration forms for the new Trustee to fill and sign
- Prepare minute of meeting for the change
- Upload the necessary documents
- Make payment
- Submit your application and wait for approval or query.
Read also:Annual Returns Filing with CAC in Nigeria
These are the steps you need to take to change the Trustees of an Association or church or clubs as the case maybe. You need to note that you must be an accredited registered agent with CAC to be able to start and complete the process. If you are not accredited you cannot access the post incorporation portal of CAC.
In conclusion, people come and people go but that will not stop the smooth flow of activities in an entity. If a Trustee leaves an organization, church, mosque, club etc. another should be appointed to replace the one that left. Nature abhors vacuum, therefore any vacant seat must be occupied immediately to avoid hitches in the activities of the organization.
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